10th July - Sonisphere, Knebworth - 3PM on the JAGERMEISTER STAGE
12th July - The Well, Leeds with Decayed Messiah, Kill to Gain and Waking Theo
14th July - The Underworld, London with Chaosanct
15th July - The Riverside, Selby with Asomvel, RSJ and Shadow's Lie Within
16th July - The Waterfront, Norwich with 101% Pantera, Want For Destruction and Shrapnel
Sonisphere: http://uk.sonispherefestivals.com/buy-tickets/
Leeds: http://tix.concertin.com/729676
London: http://www.theunderworldcamden.co.uk/gi … nderworld/
Selby: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182624948452091
Norwich: http://www.ueaticketbookings.co.uk/even … -lust.aspx
Supported by: Northern Music (http://www.northernmusic.co.uk/) and Mixtape (www.mixtapelive.in)
Link to our Music video:
Myspace: www.myspace.com/demonicresurrection
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/demonicresurrection
Official Website: www.demonicresurrection.in